PLEASE!!! Never say that “I’m tired of praying days and nights, but Allah did not make my wish come true”
Please… do not ever say that, because for every minutes and every second that we are living in this world, all are due to his Rahmah, Rezki and His love towards His servants…If not for His Rahmah towards all His creatures, we could not even breath in a single molecule of oxygen, even a small drop of water, and probably be dead. I am saying this because, the moments when someone is dying, The Angels (Malaikat) have searched for water all over the places, but they could not find even a little drop of water to relieve your thirsty when fighting in SakaratulMaut. That is why usually when someone is dying, they feel very thirsty, and even you give them water, they will still ask for more. This is because; his/her Rezki is over. That is why Allah says that “Apabila matinya seorang anak adam itu, maka terputuslah darinya segala amalannya kecuali 3 perkara…(doa anak yg soleh yang mendoakan kedua ibu bapanya, ilmu yang bermanfaat, dan amal kebajikan yang berterusan).
Remember my friends, if he did not grant your wishes, that means He wants to test you, test how much you loved Him, and of course to show that He loves you so much that He misses You and want you to come back to Him. This is due to the fact that, the creatures will never remember the Creator, unless they are being tested, and if so, only a few little of them. There must be a reason or in other words “Hikmah” for everything that happens in our life. That is the thing that we have to searched for. If He did not grant your wish, that means He want to give you a better one next time or grant the wish that you want so badly in another way that u might never expect would happen. . Its just the matter of time. “InnaAllaha ma’assobirin…”
“Ya Allah, Kau uruskanlah segala urusanku.. janganlah Engkau biarkan aku mengurus urusan ku sendiri walau sedetik sekalipun.. sesungguhnya Engkau sebaik-baik perancang…”
Bismillahi tawakkaltu a’laAllah..:-)